VueJS Valencia Meetup

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VueJS Valencia Meetup


En VueJS Valencia queremos reunirnos varias veces al año para ofrecerte diferentes meetups centrados el ecosistema de VueJS.

Presentaremos a ponentes de alto nivel para que compartan con nosotros su conocimiento, pero también queremos contar con el tuyo. ¿Te animas a convertirte en nuestro próximo ponente? Escucharemos tu propuesta encantados.

Nuestro objetivo es realizar una Main Talk en la que te mostraremos un caso de estudio, llevado por desarrolladores/as con experiencia, donde usan el framework para trabajar en proyectos reales.

Y para que la experiencia en nuestros eventos sea completa, te ofreceremos algo de picoteo y unas cervezas bien frías, ¿te apuntas?

VueJS Valencia Meetup

Próximos Eventos

Alex Jover

Alex Jover


“Google Developer Expert and Vue Community Partner with a passion for creating courses and training teams.”

Using Nuxt.js in huge E-Commerce

Jueves 12 de Marzo de 2020

“Nuxt has many use cases, but have you ever used it for a huge E-Commerce? In this talk Alex will talk about the experience of building an E-Commerce already in production, the obstacles found and the decisions taken, and specially the lessons learnt on the way. He will show as well some interesting tools for Nuxt that have been developed after this experience.”

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Debbie O'Brien

Debbie O'Brien


“Frontend Tech Lead at Patterson Agency, a digital agency in Mallorca, Spain with over 10 years experience in Frontend development. Microsoft Most Valuable Professional, Google Developer Expert and Cloudinary Media Developer Expert.”

Leave your legacy code behind and go Nuxt

Jueves 6 de Febrero de 2020

“It’s past 2020 and there is still so much legacy code around. We need to start migrating. We need to stop being afraid of the migration process. So let’s just do it. Where do we start? How do we do it? I will show you how we did it. How we turned our company’s vision to stop working with legacy and start working with Vue and Nuxt. A case study on how we built our client’s site, what we used and how we made it as performant as possible and were able to deliver better results to our clients and how now we have left the legacy code behind and have fully gone Nuxt.”

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